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AI Photo Colorizer

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  • Colorize black-and-white photos with outstanding AI technology.
  • Fix and restore damaged black-and-white photos before colorization.
  • Upscale the restored photos to 2X, 4X, and 8X with AI technology.
  • Colorize photos of 6 different photo formats: JPG/JPEG/PNG/BMP/WEBP/GIF.
photo colorizer

Top Tools for Converting Hex Colors to Pantone

Eleanor Reed
Eleanor Reed Originally published Dec 05, 23, updated Mar 25, 25
6 min(s)
hex to pantone conversion icon

Color conversion is a regular task in the modern digital world. Converting hex colors to Pantone is challenging since the Pantone color system is a proprietary color space. In other words, there isn’t a direct value comparison with hex colors.

The best option is to use various online and offline tools to convert hex to Pantone. Those straightforward solutions generate results quickly, allowing users to convert and try multiple color values.

We’ll introduce the five best tools for converting hex colors to Pantone. Before exploring them, let’s explain what color converters are and how they work.

In this article
    1. StudioRed Hex to Pantone Converter
    2. Pantone Connect
    3. DNS Checker Hex to Pantone Converter
    4. qConv Hex to Pantone Converter
    5. Code Beautify Hex to Pantone Converter

What is a Hex to Pantone Converter?

hex to pantone color systems

Hex-to-Pantone converters turn hexadecimal color values to Pantone colors. Instead of using a guide and mathematical formulas, these tools make converting between these two color systems easier. The accuracy of hex to Pantone converters can vary, but they provide as accurate approximations as possible.

However, remember that they work differently and don’t often have the most precise matches. We’ve researched, tried over two dozen converters, and picked the best you should focus on, but it’s up to you to test them and see which works best for you.

How Color Converters Work

color palettes

Color converters translate color values from one color space to another, including RGB, hex, CMYK, and Pantone. All of them present colors differently, and these tools use various mathematical calculations to convert colors between different spaces.

These tools convert colors while maintaining the perceived color and adjusting the differences in color representation. Hex-to-Pantone color converters find the most similar Pantone color, the closest to a specific hex code.

Some tools require users to insert the correct code, while others allow them to input the desired color before automatically converting to the chosen color system. Since Pantone colors don’t have the exact equivalents of hex colors, the results are accurate approximations.

Best Tools for Converting Hex to Pantone Color

Here are some of the best hex-to-Pantone color converters you can try. Remember that their effectiveness and popularity change over time, so take the time to explore user reviews and try them yourself.

1. StudioRed Hex to Pantone Converter

studio red hex to pantone converter

The StudioRed Hex to Pantone converter is a two-in-one tool that can convert hex and RGB values to Pantone colors. It’s a straightforward online Pantone converter that’s simple to use. You simply enter the code or the value, and the tool instantly turns it into an adequate Pantone color.

What’s excellent about this online hex-to-Pantone converter is that it gives you different color variations. You can hover over the results with your cursor to see color comparisons and find the most accurate color for your needs. It’s also possible to adjust the distance after generating results.

Key Features

  • Distance adjustment
  • Color comparison feature
  • RGB and hex to Pantone conversion
  • Quality results
  • Free to use
  • Easy to use
  • Quick results
  • Simple conversion

2. Pantone Connect

pantone connect color converter

Pantone Connect is the official Pantone converter, offering over 15,000 colors. It comes as a mobile app, a web app, or a browser extension, meaning you can use it on any device. Users can select colors and save them to palettes for design work.

It’s a straightforward tool that can extract a desired color, convert it to the color code you need, and measure its accuracy. It has a fantastic Pantone color matching system to help you find the correct color variation.

Key Features

  • Mobile app
  • Original Pantone converter
  • Over 15,000 colors
  • Easy shareability
  • Flawless Pantone color variations
  • Original Pantone tool
  • Support for all conversion options with Pantone
  • Expensive
  • No free version

3. DNS Checker Hex to Pantone Converter

dns checker hex to pantone converter

The DNS Checker Hex to PMS converter is a free conversion tool that offers quick results with quality outcomes. It’s a browser-based tool available on any desktop or mobile device. You can enter the hex value or select the desired color palette and choose distance, and the converter will instantly give you the corresponding Pantone results.

Experimenting with the distance value will give you the best results with this tool.

Key Features

  • Flexible distance settings
  • Near-identical color conversion results
  • Other conversion options
  • Entirely free
  • Simple to use
  • Ads
  • Simple color conversions

4. qConv Hex to Pantone Converter

qconv hex to pantone converter

qConv supports various color conversions and can also convert images to color palettes. It’s an online color conversion tool that lets you type the color code and select the conversion type you need. It supports dozens of conversion options, including hex to Pantone.

It’s an entirely free online color conversion tool that you can use on all popular web browsers. After converting the color, qConv will also give you detailed codes for other color options so you can instantly try them or make as many conversions as you want.

qConv is one of the best free online color converters that support hex to Pantone conversion. On top of that, it’s straightforward and intuitive and has an excellent design.

Key Features

  • Quality color results
  • Detailed information about other color codes
  • Multiple conversion options
  • Image-to-palette conversion
  • Simple to use
  • Versatile tool
  • Detailed information
  • Quick results
  • Entirely free
  • Signing up unlocks all tools and features

5. Code Beautify Hex to Pantone Converter

code beautify hex to pantone converter

Code Beautify is one of the best free color conversion tools. You can use it to get information about any color and generate matching colors for designs in different color systems. It’s effortless to use. You only need to type the hex color value in the search field and select the desired distance, and the tool will automatically convert it into any color system, including Pantone, RGB, CMYK, HSV, LUV, etc.

It converts hex codes to Pantone values, giving the closest colors. Code Beautify uses JavaScript libraries to provide Pantone colors. This online tool works on Windows, Mac, and Linux with the most popular browsers.

Key Features

  • Accurate hex to Pantone conversion results
  • Support for multiple conversion options
  • Quick results
  • Drag & drop color finder
  • Entirely free
  • Easy to use
  • Versatile color conversion tool
  • Ads
  • Bare-bones conversion

Using Different Tools to Improve Color Results

repairit online photo colorizer

Color conversion tools make our lives easier. In the past, we had to memorize color codes and mathematical formulas to convert colors manually. That required a lot of time and effort, but today, you can quickly test different variations until you find the best for your needs.

At the same time, you can utilize many other coloring tools to make your design work more manageable. For example, before converting colors and determining the right colors for your black-and-white images, you can quickly brainstorm and try different ideas using Wondershare Repairit Online Photo Colorizer and utilizing AI to change photo colors in seconds.

It works by uploading tools and waiting until the AI does its magic. AI will provide four color results for you to choose from and match your vision. This tool supports standard formats like PNG, JPG, JPEG, WEBP, and BPM.


Some of the best tools you can use to convert hex to Pantone are Studio Red Hex to Pantone Converter, Pantone Connect, DNS Checker Hex to Pantone Converter, qConv Hex to Pantone Converter, and Code Beautify Hex to Pantone Converter.

Try them and browse the websites to learn about additional coloring tools to make your process more manageable and create the best possible designs with your color palettes.

Eleanor Reed
Eleanor Reed Mar 25, 25
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Eleanor Reed
Written by Eleanor Reed
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