Complete Review of Outlook Inbox Repair Tool

Outlook Inbox Repair Tool

Check the details (system requirements, setup details, etc.) of Outlook Inbox Repair Tool and the best alternatives of Outlook Inbox Repair Tool.

When it comes to corruption in your Outlook data storage file, the Inbox Repair Tool is your first aid kit. The program is frequently required when Outlook displays an error similar to this. Moreover, also when the files refuse to load or view a pst-file.

error message in outlook

Additional frequent variations of the errors are;

  • Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window. The set of folders cannot be opened. Errors have been detected in the file <path to pst-file>.
  • Errors have been detected in the file <path to pst-file>.
  • The file <path to pst-file> is not an Outlook data file (.pst).

When you have specific indications, for example, Outlook crashing when you visit a folder, mspst.dll errors in the Event Viewer, import/export failures, etc., you may be advised to use the Outlook Inbox Repair tool.

Let's know more about the Outlook Repair Tool that can greatly help you.

Part 1: Features Of Outlook Inbox Repair Tool

You can get many advantages when you use the Outlook Inbox repair tool. Here are some features of the tools that might be helpful for you:

Supported formats

Various powerful inbox repair applications are available that will help you how to fix outlook processing and transfer mail from damaged to new PST. The software effectively extracts mail items from corrupted or unavailable PSTs with 100% integrity and accuracy, including emails, attachments, contacts, tasks, journals, etc.

The tool you want is completely your choice. Here are some file formats that these tools support. Below are some examples:

  • Repairs large, oversized, inaccessible, and encrypted PST files.
  • Mail contents can be exported to new PST, MSG, EML, RTF, HTML, MBOX, DBX, or PDF formats.
  • PST exports to Office 365 or Live Exchange [Tech].

Supported reasons that cause image corruption

The most common causes of Outlook PST file destruction or corruption are problems with the hardware and software. However, common issues with images also occur and suffer from the work. We have covered many reasons for image corruption below. These are supported and solved by the Outlook Inbox repair tools.


It is better to use file formats like PNG or JPEG for images. The main reason to use these formats is that most of the clients use these file formats. With the help of Outlook inbox repair tools, you can see if the attachment format is correct.

unsupported or invalid image file format issue

Moreover, incorrect file names can prevent the media from displaying in emails. Usually, every image name should include letters and numbers only. There is no need to use special characters or hashtags.


Various data types, including images, can be used with the Base64 encoding. One difficulty is that base64-encoded images can quickly increase the code and size of your signature. It is because the encoded data is often larger than the original.

As a result, you can encounter unforeseen problems, including Outlook failing to insert your client-side signature. In conclusion, we advise against utilizing base64 pictures in signatures.


You might run into issues with email image scaling in some circumstances, particularly those with higher DPI settings. By making the image file's proportions fixed, this problem can be resolved.

Supported email corruption types

Outlook inbox repair tools also support different email corruption reasons. Let's know them for better understanding:


  • Unexpected Shutdown: If your machine crashes unexpectedly when you're trying to email a client, the situation can get worse.
  • Failure of a storage device: If your hard drive's bad sectors are where your email files, such as DBX, PST, OST, OLM, and MBOX, are kept, the information in those files is illegible or unavailable.
  • Network Failure: The network is crucial, particularly when synchronizing an OST file. Any network outage could cause corruption of the files.


  • Virus Attack: The most common causes of computer file corruption are malicious viruses and computer flaws. The email file is susceptible to viral attacks like any other computer file.
  • Improper Termination: The email files may be vulnerable to corruption if you are using an email client and the application is wrongly terminated while you are still using it.
  • Software Malfunction: Your email client program could become damaged or conflict with another program in case of software malfunctions.

Free or Paid

ScanPST is the popular Inbox Repair tool for Outlook. It is an in-house repair tool of Microsoft Outlook. As the tool is in-house, it is free to use. You can just run it anytime when you encounter any error or want to know how to fix outlook processing.

Repair modes of Outlook Inbox Repair Tool

Microsoft Outlook Inbox Repair Tool has two modes of repairing Outlook issues. These are mentioned below:

Single File Mode: In the single file mode, the Outlook repair tool allows one file at a time for repairing. So, you can use the repair tool if you want to fix only one file.

Multiple File Mode: Another mode of Outlook inbox repair tool is multiple. In this mode, the user can upload more than one file for repair.

Part 2: System Requirements


A processor or processing unit is essential for the proper performance of the operations of the system you use.

To run ScanPST, Outlook PST repair tool, the processor requirement: Pentium Class

Operating system

Without an operating system, running any software on the computer is impossible.

To run ScanPST, Outlook PST repair tool the operating system requirement: Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/2003/XP/2000/NT4 (SP6)

Hard disk space

Space is another vital aspect of running an Outlook Inbox Repair tool. It is necessary for the installation of the files.

To run ScanPST, Outlook PST repair tool, the Hard Disk space requirement: 50 MB of free disk space


As we know, the system's RAM plays a crucial role in the fast and uninterrupted functions of the tool. Hence, there is also a need for good memory space in computers.

To run ScanPST, Outlook PST repair tool, the RAM requirement: Minimum 256 MB (512 MB recommended)


Microsoft is the developer of ScanPST. The company has developed software to help users. The tool easily allows Outlook users to repair files when they get damaged.

Part 3: Setup Details

Setup File Name: scanpst.exe

Setup size: 38.4 KB

Setup Type: Online Complete Application Installation (As scanpst.exe is an in-house file, it gets installed with the Outlook application.)

Part 4: Disadvantages Of Outlook Inbox Repair Tool

Undoubtedly, every tool comes with benefits and limitations. The same is the case with the Outlook Inbox Repair tool. Here are some disadvantages:

  • The Inbox Repair tool has frequently failed to address major PST issues or file system compromise by malware assault or a destabilizing application crash.
  • Furthermore, the tool's recovery success rate is, at best, average, and it cannot be trusted to perform under pressure.
  • Due to the relatively awkward user interface of the Outlook Inbox repair tool, the utility is also not advised for beginners.

Part 5: The Steps Of The Outlook Inbox Repair Tool

Step 1: First, close Outlook and initiate the Inbox Repair tool.

Launch the Inbox Repair program (Scanpst.exe). After that, choose Open/Run in the File Download dialog box. Now, follow the easy-fix wizard's instructions.

Start the Inbox Repair tool, then move on to Step 2. You can start the Inbox Repair tool manually.

start scanpst the outlook inbox repair tool

Locate one of the folders using Windows Explorer, and double-click the Scanpst.exe file. It is to launch the Inbox Repair application manually.

Step 2: Repair the .pst file.

Enter the path and file name of the personal folders file in the Inbox Repair tool, or choose to Browse. It is used to find the file utilizing the Windows file system and then click Start.

search the file you want to repair

Step 3: Recover fixed items to a new .pst file.

Start Outlook and get the corrected items after using the Inbox Repair feature. Additionally, fixed objects may be attempted to be recovered from the backup personal folder as an option.

repair the pst file for desired results

Create a new Personal Folders (.pst) file entry in your profile to get things going. The restored objects can then be transferred to your new Personal Folders (.pst) file.

Now, launch Outlook. Be careful to choose the Outlook profile containing the Personal Folders (.pst) file you attempted to fix if you use several profiles.

To activate the Folder List view, you can press Ctrl+6. You will notice various recovered folders in your Folder List.

Step 4: Now, make a new Personal Folder (.pst) file.

The instructions may vary according to the Outlook version you use.

Step 5: To add the recovered things to your new Personal Folders (.pst) file, drag them from the Lost and Found folder.

Step 6: You can delete the Recovered Personal Folders (.pst) file from your profile once you've done relocating all of the things.

The Lost and Found folder are included in this.

Step 7: You're done if you're satisfied with the data you were able to recover.

If you wish to try to recover more data, you can go to the recovered repaired items from the backup file (Optional) section.

Part 6: Best Alternatives Of Outlook Inbox Repair Tool

Microsoft Outlook file types PST and OST protect Outlook data on your machine. When using MS Outlook, tasks, emails, calendars, and other items are saved in this format on your computer, your mail server, or both. These files are vulnerable to corruption and several harms.

If you do not find the solution, your PST or OST file might be corrupted. You can use Repairit for Emails to repair them.

Wondershare Repairit for Email

alternative microsoft repairit tool for email

Are your Outlook PST/OST files corrupted or damaged? Wondershare Repairit for Email is there to solve several email problems on Windows and Mac in various situations. Let's know more!

An industry-level Outlook repair tool that repairs emails is Repairit for Email. The deleted PST and OST files in Windows and Mac operating systems can recover. Besides, you get the facility of previewing before saving.

Here are some situations where Repairit for Email works the best:

Crashes & Bad Sectors of Hard Disk

Some unexpected failures of the hard disk can lead to several bad sectors. Similarly, the data will be unreadable if any of your essential PST or OST email files get stored in these sectors.

Corruption & Malfunctions of Outlook

malfunction or corruption in outlook

Generally, a malfunction in Outlook means software failure or collision with the installed applications. You should remember that if any crash or malfunction occurs suddenly, your emails might become inaccessible or damaged.

Trojan Horse & Virus Attacks

Viruses are the villains of computer systems that can infect emails. After encountering any virus, the emails become corrupted and inaccessible to the users. Repairit is the tool that is capable of preventing this condition.

Inappropriate Shutdown Process

Undoubtedly, an improper shutting down of the computer is not suitable for the files stored in it. However, the situation can be even worse if you are using an email client and unexpectedly, the shutdown happens. Repairit is the tool that is suitable for such situations.


We have included all the vital information above for you. In the end, we can say that the inbox repair tool of Outlook, "SCANPST.EXE", is a great way to resolve issues with your mailbox. However, there are also many other alternatives available online that can help you. The one we have added to this article is Repairit. It is an excellent option for your inbox repair.